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Information Technology

The history creates the facts and the presuppositions for the changes, EFFE SYSTEM MES manages the production department creating a downright integrated factory’s system.


EFFE Technology offers software solutions for the  Manufacturing Execution System (MES) that increase the competitiveness of the companies with a large range of modules with standard or customisable functions.

It is the partner specialized in problems concerning :

  • To foresee and to model the customer’s demand in a more efficient way,

  • Planning,

  • Scheduling,

  • Collection of production’s data,

  • Tracking and Manufacturing Execution System (MES),

  • Advanced management of the warehouse,

  • Business Intelligence.

EFFE System is the MES (Manufacturing Execution System) software specialized in support and control of production.
It is a departmental software that can be integrated with any ERP management software already installed in the company.


The main task of EFFE System MES is to manage the production department creating a downright integrated factory’s system. It is the ideal tool for the production’s manager and for the operations managers that need complete, up-to-date, reliable informations concerning the course of the production plan, the efficiency obtained in the department, the differences with the expected standards, the quality and the executed checks, the tracking of the lots and of the part numbers, the physic tracking of the materials, the maintenance of the plants and of the instruments, the sequence of the works.


Piazza San Paolo, 2        36075 – Montecchio Maggiore  (VI) – Italy 

Tax and VAT Code.: 04156290241         Codice univoco: M5UXCR1
Tel +39 0444 602298       effetechnology@pec.itL  DD 

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