EFFE Technology & Kinkalteck (Foshan) Ltd work in partnership in the field of the flying cutoff systems. This partnership allows to share skills and infrastructures to give to the companies of every size the most innovative and reliable plants as guarantee of production efficiency and of qualitative efficiency
The latest generation technologies installed in our products, a team of European professional people and engineering studies highly specialized in the steel industry represent a good model of collaboration and capacity to support the companies allowing to EFFE Technology & Kinkalteck (Foshan) Ltd to be the point of reference in the worldwide iron market.
Tube Diameter
Tube Thickness
Tube Length
Line Speed
10.3 - 76.1
0.5 - 3
4 - 20
80 - 170
Single-blade fly-cut with controlled axis movement for the diameter range from 10.3 to 76.1 mm and derivatives with a thickness of 1.5 mm for the mod. PTF X1 - 7.5 KW and for a thickness of 3 mm for the mod. PTF X1 - 11KW. Its main features are:
possibility of varying power and speed in a wide spectrum to optimize the working conditions of the blade, both in HSS and in TCT;
reduced clamp replacement times;
minimum need for maintenance and ease of chip evacuation and cleaning;
economic efficiency;
very high speeds.

Tube Diameter
Tube Thickness
Tube Length
Line Speed
48.3 - 168.3
1.5 - 8
4 - 20
25 - 80
Single blade cut-off with controlled axis movement for the 48.3 to 168.3 mm diameter range and derivatives. It is the result of the evolution of a basic project of the PTF-X1 model already very valid that in its current
configuration allows:
possibility of varying power and speed in a wide spectrum to optimize the working conditions of the blade, both in HSS and in TCT;
reduced clamp replacement times;
minimum need for maintenance and ease of chip evacuation and cleaning;
economic efficiency.

Tube Diameter
Tube Thickness
Tube Length
Line Speed
76.1 - 219.1
2 - 10
4 - 20
20 - 60
Double-blade fly-cut with controlled two-axis movement for the diameter range from 76.1 to 219.1 mm. and derivatives. It is the result of the evolution of the PTF-X2 project which,
in its configuration, allows:
extreme versatility and a wide range of sizes and sections that can always be cut with the best parameters required by the blades (also for this machine, regardless of HSS or TCT);
high cutting quality and blade life.