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Industrial Plants

The most important innovative potential of EFFE Technology consists of research and development activities directed to the needs of the customers and markets.



The Automation field of EFFE Technology is at the forefront of the products and the services offered to its industrial customers. Thanks to the knowledge gained over the years in the industrial automation and software and thanks to the proven experience in the vertical markets EFFE Technology increases the productivity, the efficiency and the flexibility of its customers.


EFFE Technology put at the disposal of its customers an asset of different and proven experiences in the power electronics, in the automation systems and in the technologies of productions in different industrial fields.


The experiences derived from the numerous plants realized in collaboration with the main world-famous builders and the special developed knowledge allowed EFFE Technology to operate with quality and skilfulness in different sectors :

  • Iron and steel industry

  • Water, muds and fume treatment

  • Food industry

  • Aluminium;



Piazza San Paolo, 2        36075 – Montecchio Maggiore  (VI) – Italy 

Tax and VAT Code.: 04156290241         Codice univoco: M5UXCR1
Tel +39 0444 602298       effetechnology@pec.itL  DD 

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