With its solutions EFFE Technology is always careful to the production needs and, thanks to the consolidate acknowledgement and the strong sector expertise of its technicians, is today able to offer an innovative solution to help the electric and mechanic maintenance.
EFFE Solution is a software born to be a strong support to drastically reduce the machine stop and to increase the production of each single production line of 15% at least.
EFFE Solution is an innovative software that can be integrated with the classical plant’s supervisions becoming a tool to help and support the electrical and mechanical maintainers.
Easy to use, EFFE Solution is a valuable support for the fault analysis giving the possibility to consult :
· Electric layouts,
· User manuals,
· Suggestions for the restoration of the alarm,
· Localization of the component responsible for the alarm,
· Documentation of the faulty equipment.
· Interface with PLC,
· Oscilloscope function
· Sending of e-mail, sms, automatic calls ,
· Remote connection
The optimization of productivity and the increase of efficiency are our common goals.